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Why register your child with Karibou?

Choose our motor skill and awakening activities program for your child's first contact with physical activity.

Pass on the pleasure of moving to your kid!

A preschool parent-child activity

Be a role model and take pleasure in moving with your child. Good habits that your child will benefit from throughout his life!

Varied physical activities for toddlers

Preschoolers must develop their basic motor abilities first. Karibou offers a multisport programming for children up to 5 years old.

Fun sports activities for children and babies

The Karibou program invites toddlers to adopt a physically active lifestyle from an early age and discover the pleasure of moving.

Motor skill and awakening activities

It is never too early to discover the passion for sport. The program is suitable for babies who can participate from the age of one.

Find the Official Provider closest to you.

Karibou has 7 age levels and is offered by over 40 activity sites across Canada.

Extend the fun of Karibou at home!

Get the Karibou puppet!


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Experts in motor skill and sport activity for kids

The Karibou program was designed by a team of experts in childhood, health, education and physical activity who know the needs of babies and young children.

Jean-Guy Rochon

After more than 30 years of service in the sports and leisure sector with the City of Montreal, he led Sports Montreal from 1998 to 2014. He saw in Karibou's program an exceptional opportunity to instil in children healthy lifestyle habits.

Caroline Pujol

With a degree in Engineering and Sports Management and Organization and in the science of physical activity, Caroline Pujol contributed to the program's developpment and its operating license since the beginning.

Joël Beaulieu

Expert in motor development and a professional in the science of education, he validated the content of each educational period as well as the instructors training. He is currently completing his doctorate in educational psychology at the University of Laval.

Dre Mariève Blanchet

Dr. Blanchet is a professor at UQAM in the Department of Physical Activity Sciences specialized in child motor skill abilities and the motor performance optimization by diverse methods including technological innovations. She revised the program and validated its relevance for children from 4 to 5 years old.

Émilie Baillargeon

With a masters in sports psychology, Émilie Baillargeon has over 8 years experience in the sports and leisure industry. She is at the origin of the development of the Karibou program.

Francine Languedoc

General Practitioner, she has been involved in various levels of the development of the program and shares her experience as an expert in the field of health. She is also involved in very hot topic that is becoming the reality of today: Child obesity.

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